What yoga style suits YOU?

Traditional, Modern, Evolutionary, Heated, non-Heated, a fixed set and order of poses, a creative flow of poses, self-practice, a group practice, physically demanding, alignment focused, devotional and more…..

With all the different styles of yoga out there, it can be intimidating and maybe even confusing to know which yoga practice, is most suitable for you.  

Based on my experience, I feel that each mindful movement, conscious breath and ritual is better than none. It is dynamic, personal, ever-evolving, never-ending journey. Each yoga style will allow you to experience this ancient practice differently and you will receive the medicine.

Questions you can ask yourself on your own yoga journey are:

  • Why do I practice (or want to start) yoga?

  • What does the style of yoga I practice tell me about myself? 

  • Have I been practicing in the same way for a long time and it is time to maybe try something new (a new style, a new studio, a new teacher)?

  • What is my Ayurvedic Dosha Composition and how does this relate to the practice I choose?

Let me share my personal journey so far. I feel this is a summarized expression of all that has happened on my yogic path, as yoga has means and has meant so much to be already, but I will give it a try. My first practice was Ashtanga and it makes sense that I was initially attracted to this style of yoga. It is physically strong, disciplined and alignment focused. Ashtanga has a fixed series of poses (like bikram yoga), which allows you to notice your progress and gave me an opportunity to have a self-practice, while I travelled.

As soon as I discovered Vinyasa this became my preferred daily practice. It was more creative, less rigid and felt more flexible and adaptable to me. I had changed, so my choice of yoga practice had also changed. Yin and the other calmer, less physical intensive styles of yoga were actually most challenging to me. My Ayurvedic Composition is Pita-Vatta. Kapha cultivating practices didn’t come natural to me. For many years I felt quite uncomfortable with the sense of stillness and calmness and it has allowed me to tap into these undiscovered aspects of my being.

When I moved to Cape Town, I enjoyed the physical challenge of Heated Power Vinyasa, but immediately felt the need to add more daily rituals like meditation & pranayama to stay sattvic (balanced). South Africa has an abundance of natural beauty and I started to benefit from the healing power of spending time (alone) in nature, which has become a very important ritual and is as important to me as my yoga practice.  I also used to practice and teach Yoga Sculpt, Arial Yoga, Budokon Yoga and more. Ever since I facilitate Vinyasa Yoga Teachers Training at Radiantly Alive in Bali, I have the privilege of practicing with highly experienced teachers from around the world and I keep learning, playing, exploring and growing and I love it.

fluidUs has elevated me to another very deep level of practicing, living and being. The combination of the evolutionary deeply mystical approach, while at the same time respecting the traditions really resonates with me.

I personally prefer an ecology of practices. I try practicing a sense of openness to the different expressions, experiences and yoga lenses we (choose to) wear. At the moment, I have my daily morning rituals and they are such a gift to my life. They include a sunrise meditation, prayer, lymphatic cleansing, pranayama, chanting, time spend in nature, ayurvedic based lifestyle decision-taking, Vinyasa, fluidUs, Yin, journaling, purposeful solitude and more.  

There are many ways to categorize yoga, but in the end the practices “point at the same thing”. After thousands of years, people still benefit from the practice and its rituals and I am deeply gratefully yoga found me. I feel that as long as you have a consistent practice, you will receive the medicine. 

Yoga works – that is for sure! I am eternally grateful for the journey so far and excited for all that is to come.  

If you have any questions please email me. I would love to connect and understand where you are at on your yoga journey.